Do you like bread? I love it and today I bring you a recipe for sourdough bread.
Lately, I’ve been addicted to bread videos and recipes. This is starting to be a serious problem because I can’t stop. ahah
I’ve always loved bread, ever since I was a kid. It’s one of those foods that I can’t do without!
The two times I lived abroad, in exchange, I took a suitcase full of bread to freeze – that’s how bad my addiction is. And when my sister came to visit me, I made her bring me bread, can you believe it?
No, I am not crazy. But in the places I went to, the only bread there was brioche-like and packaged! Oh no!
And honestly, how was I supposed to survive?!
Well, there is nothing like good, freshly baked, homemade bread. Open it while it’s still warm, spread it with a little butter, and mnhhh how wonderful!
I’ve been eyeing the natural fermentation bread, made with mother’s dough. Those breads that are made the old-fashioned way, you know?
A few weeks ago I went to visit the Farinhas Paulino Horta and I left in ecstasy. I LOVED IT!
I learned so many things about flour, I visited the factory and had the opportunity to understand a little better how the manufacturing process of flour works.
I was also able to understand the similarities of the manufacturing process of Paulino Horta Flours, with the manual process of flour production and how they try to preserve as much as possible some of these processes, as to keep the essence of the production.
Finally, I learned about the importance of the mother’s dough and natural fermentation and I ate a LOT of bread and good bread!
I can tell you that I left there with the greatest lesson in life: those who run for pleasure don’t get tired, it’s true, and bread really makes people happier!
And this is proven by the mood I left the factory in and my excitement when making mother’s dough bread at home.
I have many stories to tell about bread and my enthusiasm is huge!
Check out another recipe for Spelt Bread Recipe.
How do you make this Sourdough Bread Recipe?
Making sourdough bread is easy. It has many steps and takes a few days before the mother’s dough starts to rise, but there is nothing complicated about the process itself.
You have to know beforehand that the mother’s dough is a natural yeast and as such, it takes a few days before it can be fermented.
It is a combination of flour and water, which when in contact with air, begins to rise, forming a kind of bubbles.
Then you just make the bread normally, as if it were another yeast. This is for simple, homemade bread, of course.
For the sourdough:
To make the sourdough just put two tablespoons of flour in a container (preferably a glass container) and add two tbsp of water.
Mix well and let it rest for about 24 hours.
On the following days repeat the process.
On day 4, discard one tbsp of the mixture and add 2 tbsp of flour and two tbsp of water and mix.
Repeat this process until the day you actually make the bread.
Generally, with this recipe, you could make your bread on the 7th day. In my case, I made it on the 12th day.
You can also try making it earlier, but I can’t guarantee that the yeast will be strong enough for the dough to rise.
For the bread:
To make the bread, put 420 g of flour in a large bowl and add 230 ml of warm water.
Add the sourdough, about 170 g, and a pinch of salt, and knead well.
Once the dough is soft and moldable, form a ball and place it in the bowl. Cover with a cloth and let it rise for 3 hours.
Remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a smooth surface dusted with flour.
Knead it again gently and as soon as it is very soft, almost elastic, place it in an oven tray and cover it. Let it rise for another 3 hours.
Finally, preheat the oven to 250º.
Make a few incisions on the bread and place it in the oven, with a Pyrex glass lid on top.
Also put a container of water in the oven, so that the bread doesn’t dry out.
Bake for about 35 minutes.
Remove from the oven and it is ready to serve.
Sourdough Bread Recipe
For the Sourdough
- 14 tbsp flour
- 14 tbsp water
For the Sourdough Bread
- 420 gr wheat flour
- 230 gr lukewarm water
- 1 pinch salt
- 170 gr sourdough
For the Sourdough
- Day 1: Put 2 tbsp of flour in a glass container.
- Add 2 tbsp of water and mix. Set aside, but without screwing the lid on.
- Days 2 and 3: Repeat the previous process. You will start to see small bubbles on the surface of the dough.
- Day 4: Discard 1 tbsp of the mixture.
- Add 2 tbsp of flour and 2 tbsp of water and mix well. Set aside.
- Days 5 to 7: Repeat the previous process.
- The mother's dough is ready to be used.
For the Sourdough Bread
- In a large bowl, put 420 grams of flour.
- Add 230 ml of lukewarm water, along with a pinch of salt.
- Add 170 grams of mother dough and mix.
- Once the ingredients are together, place the mixture on a flat surface dusted with flour.
- Knead well until the dough begins to get soft (about 7 to 10 min).
- Place the dough in a container, covered with a cloth, and let it rise for 3 hours.
- The dough will rise quite a bit.
- Put the bread dough back on a surface dusted with flour.
- Gently knead and shape the bread into a ball.
- Place an open cloth in a glass container and sprinkle with flour.
- Arrange the bread dough in the pyrex container with a lid and dust the surface with flour.
- Cover the bread and let it rise for another 3 hours.
- Preheat the oven to 250º.
- Shape the bread dough into the shape you like best (I make it round) and make an incision on the surface.
- Place the bread on the pyrex lid, previously dusted with flour, and place the pyrex on top (it is upside down so that the bread has enough room to rise).
- Take the bread to the oven, along with a container with a little water. The water will keep the bread from drying out.
- Bake the bread for about 35 min.
- Remove from the oven and serve.
Que excelente ideia! Não conhecia!
Podemos fazer com qualquer tipo de farinha, com ou sem fermento?
Olá Margarida 🙂
Podes fazer com qualquer farinha sim. Aconselho-te a usar farinha sem fermento, uma vez que a ideia é termos uma fermentação mais natural.
Se o teu objectivo for mais fazer pão em casa e ter a experiência, então acho que podes tentar com a farinha que tens, sem problema! Nunca fiz com farinha com fermento, mas faz sentido que resulte. O que poderá acontecer é que irá levedar mais rápido, penso eu (porque tem o boost do fermento).
Caso tenhas alguma questão, não hesites em perguntar.
Um beijinho,
No Cheat Day
Sim pode fazer com farinha com ou sem fermento.
Pode usar somente farinha integral para o pao ou tem que misturar?
Olá Ivone 🙂
Pode usar farinha integral, sem problema… Aliás, eu uso muitas vezes.
Se tiver mais questões, não hesite em contactar.
Muito obrigada,
No Cheat Day
Boa noite:
Também gosto muito de pão e faço coma massa mãe. Costumo utilisar 30 % e vi que faz com 40 %.
Quanto ás medidas uso uma balança para colocar a mesma quantidade de água e de farinha. No meu caaso demorou 2 semanas a obter a massa mãe.
Para retirar o cheiiro a vinagre, acido acético, da massa mae basta diluir.
Por exemplo 10 g de massa mãe de 20 g de água e 20 g de farinha. Pode fazer diluiçoes maiores de modo a desaparecer o cheiro.
Olá Paulo,
Obrigada pelas dicas, são sempre úteis. 🙂
Há vários métodos para fazer a massa mãe e várias receitas de pão, geralmente uso o que funciona melhor comigo e de vez em quando vou experimentando outras opções.
Eu faço com 40% porque e ensinaram a fazer desta forma e realmente resultou comigo. Mas aceito todas as dicas, portanto partilhe sempre que fizer novas experiências, que vou ficar feliz em saber.
Obrigada e uma óptima semana!
No Cheat Day
A maneira como prepara a massa mãe leva a que esta tenha um cheiro a vinagre. Se quando a está a preparar se descartar metade e adicionar 1/4 de água e 1/4 de farinha resolve o problema.
Também pode guardar a massa mãe no frigorifico para ser mais fácil.
Há farinha própria para pao á venda, farinha forte, no supermercado El Corte Inglês e Auchan.
Com os melhores cumprimentos:
Oliveira Pinto
Olá Paulo,
Sim, eu já fiz com o método do descarte e também resulta sim. Deixe de o fazer apenas numa perspetiva de desperdiçar menos, porque acabava sempre por não utilizar o descarte.
Mas entretanto informei-me e realmente esse descarte pode ser utilizado para panquecas, bolos, biscoitos e afins.
Muito obrigada pelas suas dicas!
No Cheat Day
Boa tarde. Um amigo um pouco de massa mãe, passei a alimentar e agora tenho sempre. Gosto de adicionar a todas as massas porque fica tudo mais nutritivo e leve na digestão… hoje comecei a fazer o meu pão, numa versão um pouco integral… está em fermentação até amanhã… vamos ver o que acontece… muito obrigada pelas dicas.!
Olá Rosa,
Que bom! Fico contente que esteja a usar massa mãe e que goste. É realmente muito mais leve para a digestão e até sabe melhor quando fazemos o nosso próprio. 🙂
Continue a fazer muitos pães e partilhe comigo os resultado, vou adorar saber.
No Cheat Day