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Cookies de Aveia e Chocolate

Oatmeal and Chocolate Cookies Recipe

Today is cookie day, and today’s are oatmeal and chocolate cookies.

That’s right, not just any cookies! They are very special cookies and ft in a certain way. They’re to die for!

It’s fitting to say that I WON with this recipe!

I’ll be honest, I love to eat cookies, but those cookies you find in supermarkets are full of sugar and honestly, they do not work for me at all! They taste too artificial and I really like the homemade ones.

I like nice homemade cookies and, as such, I usually come up with recipes. Sometimes I’m lucky because they turn out great, other times not so much. But that’s what cooking is all about. It’s about taking risks, trial and error, and above all, it’s about enjoying the moment when I’m in the kitchen.

Use flour, add sugar, and now an egg, and that’s how the ideas flow… I usually invent a lot and then see how it turns out. Are you guys like that too? I get inspired by many things I see, such as the photos I see on social networks, and the many recipes I read. But I never follow the recipes to the letter.

The oatmeal and chocolate cookies that I’ll present to you today are super easy to make and you don’t need that many ingredients. They are perfect to take or to eat at home, and you can give them to children because they are not full of sugar. Of course, if your children have any dietary restrictions, you may want to adapt the ingredients.

The best thing about this recipe is that it is super easy to adapt if you have the basis: you can make a thousand and one other cookies. You can use carrots, cinnamon, powdered chocolate, carob, in short, a panoply of ingredients. Basically, whatever you have at your disposal.  What I advise you to pay attention to is the flour: you should either keep it or at least try to figure out what the equivalent amount is if you’re using an alternative so that the cookies always have a crunchy consistency.

Oh an important note, I usually buy oat flakes and grind them using my Yammi until they are reduced to flour. This way I don’t fill up the pantry with stuff, and whenever I need it, I have an alternative. Besides, it is cheaper to buy oat flakes than flour.

And now, let’s check the step-by-step?

You can read here this  Bacon, Tomato, and Cheese Muffins Recipe.




  • 2 cups oats (in flour)
  • 1/2 cup of oats (in flakes – optional)
  • 2 tbsp of softened/melted coconut oil
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate (I usually use 70% cocoa or more)



  1. Start by preheating the oven to 180º.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper. There’s a trick you can use: grease the baking tray with butter (or another fat), and then place the baking paper on top. This way the baking paper will adhere to the tray immediately.
  3. Add the oat flour with the brown sugar and the salt. Mix them.
  4. Add the egg and the softened/melted coconut oil and mix.
  5. If you choose to add the oat flakes, this will be the ideal time to add them to the previous preparation, mixing well all the ingredients.
  6. When the ingredients are well mixed, take pieces of the dough and make small balls.
  7. Place the balls on the tray – it is important to have some space between them.
  8. Spread the balls out a little, so that they get the shape of a cookie.
  9. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
  10. When the cookies are cooked, take them out of the oven and put them aside.
  11.  Melt the chocolate bar in a bain-marie (i.e., hot water bath) or in the microwave.
  12. After the chocolate is melted, spread it over the cookies with the help of a spoon. The idea is that chocolate strands remain on top of the cookies, i.e., that they are not completely covered with chocolate.
  13. Let them cool a little and serve.


Suggestion: If you prefer, you can completely coat the cookies with chocolate.

You can use, for example, chocolate chips in the mix, instead of coating the cookies with chocolate.

Serve these cookies whenever you have people at home, but you can also offer them in a beautiful package.

The oatmeal and chocolate cookies are perfect for those days when you crave a sweet treat during your afternoon snack, so eat them without guilt. The ingredients are all healthy.

Take them with you in your lunch box!

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